When does the air filter need to be replaced

2023-06-15 1890

Medical gas engineering is becoming more and more popular nowadays, due to the increasing demand for purification engineering. But do you know when to replace air filters in purification engineering?


Air filters are indispensable in purification projects, but it does not mean that the more expensive the air filter, the better its performance. Our top priority is to prioritize quality. To determine whether replacement is needed, the first step is to check the air filter to see if it appears dark or black. If the air filter shows a significant blackening, then we will need to replace it. Generally, if there is a problem with the air filter, there may also be a situation of air leakage. Once we discover this situation, we also need to replace the air filter. If we find that the air filter is not working very well, but it does not show any problems on its own, we can check if there is a lot of dust around the air filter. If there is too much dust, it can also cause problems with our air filter. At this point, we only need to clean the air filter. However, if the air filter still does not work well after cleaning, it needs to be replaced.

Article source: Hunan Purification Engineering http://www.jmyujie.com/