How to achieve cleanliness, hygiene, and safety in electronic dust-free workshops

2023-08-05 1389

(1) When cleaning the walls of a clean room, a clean engineering clean room dust-free cloth should be used.

(2) Prepare a cleaning agent with 90% deionized water and 10% isopropanol.

(3) Use approved cleanroom specific cleaning agents for purification projects.

(4) Check the garbage bins in the cleanroom and equipment room every day and clean them up in a timely manner.

(5) Every floor needs to be vacuumed. And indicate the completion status of the task on the "Clean Room Cleaning Record" form. For example, where to finish and where to start.

(6) When cleaning the floor of a cleanroom in a dust-free purification project, the purification system should be closed first and a dedicated mop for the cleanroom should be used.

(7) When vacuuming in a clean room, a specialized vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency filter should be used.

(8) All doors and windows in the cleanroom need to be cleaned and maintained.

(9) Clean rooms need to be vacuumed and mopped daily; Wipe the walls, doors, and windows once a week.

(10) Dust collection and wiping should also be carried out under the elevated floor of the dust-free workshop.

(11) Clean the pillars and support columns under the raised floor in the electronic dust-free workshop every three months.

(12) When working in a clean room, always remember to wipe from top to bottom, from the farthest point away from the door towards the direction of the door.

Article source: Guangdong Purification Engineering