What are the design and operation precautions for semiconductor cleanrooms

2023-08-24 1519

1. The semiconductor clean and dust-free workshop should ensure that dust only enters and exits, so the indoor environment of the clean and dust-free workshop should be maintained at a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure. This requires the use of large blowers to continuously inject the purified air from the equipment into the clean room

To maintain constant temperature and humidity, large air conditioning equipment must be equipped with the aforementioned blower pressurization system. The air conditioner needs to be turned on for as long as the blower is pressurized.

3. The air flow direction of all purified equipment is mainly from top to bottom. Therefore, the indoor space design or machine placement of clean and dust-free workshops should avoid abruptness, minimizing the opportunity and time for dust, bacteria, and other particles to circulate and block in the clean and dust-free workshop.


4. All gas sources used in semiconductor clean and dust-free workshops, including those required for wafer drying and machine air pressure, must use nitrogen gas (98%). The nitrogen gas used for wafer drying even requires high-purity nitrogen at 99.8% or higher.

In the production process of semiconductor dust-free workshops, in addition to the construction of the main structure of the factory and the key difficulties mentioned above, there are also clean construction and decoration construction, purification air conditioning system and its air ducts, filter construction equipment, high-purity water system and its pipeline equipment, high-purity gas system (including special gas supply, etc.) and its pipeline equipment, vacuum system and its pipeline equipment, chemical supply system and its pipeline equipment, various exhaust and exhaust systems and their processing equipment, fire safety alarm system and its control equipment, transformer and distribution, electrical system and its bridge, piping and wiring equipment, lighting system and lighting equipment, anti vibration equipment, production process equipment and its piping and wiring equipment, etc.

Article source: Hunan Purification Engineering http://www.jmyujie.com/