What are the inspection requirements and maintenance methods for filters used in medical cleanroom purification engineering

2023-09-29 1679

Medical work is a special task that requires extremely high levels of air cleanliness. A qualified medical purification project will use a combination of a pre filter with a power of 30% and a sub high efficiency filter with a power of 90% to filter air pollutants. Generally, high-efficiency filters are not used, but they are required for filtration in isolation rooms or specific care areas. So, how to detect and protect it in clean engineering? Let's take a look at the Beijing Yanbo Mountain Purification Belt.

The protection of high-efficiency filters plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality of medical purification engineering. Due to the collection of dust on the surface of various filters after a period of use, the power and resistance of the filters decrease, affecting the cleanliness of the air supply. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the filters in a timely manner. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly open the orifice plate of the filter to check.

Viewing and Protecting Filters

At the top of the list, it is generally not recommended to replace filters while the device is running; If the filter has reached the replacement deadline and cannot be stopped for replacement, it is only allowed to continue without interruption


Secondly, under normal operating conditions, flat, foldable coarse or medium efficiency filters

Generally, it is replaced once every 1-2 months. After replacing the filter material, it can be soaked and washed with clean water containing a cleaning agent, then dried and replaced; After flushing 1-2 times, it is necessary to replace the filter with a new one to ensure the filtering power.

Thirdly, regarding high-efficiency filters, when the resistance value of the filter is greater than 450Pa; Or when the airflow velocity on the outlet surface drops to the lowest limit

Even after replacing the coarse and medium efficiency filters, the airflow velocity cannot be increased; Or when there is irreparable leakage on the surface of the high-efficiency filter, a new high-efficiency filter must be replaced; If the above conditions are not met, replacement can generally be done once every 1-2 years depending on the environmental conditions of the application.

It is necessary to use high-efficiency filters with metal frames for medical cleanroom purification projects, in order to ensure that their surfaces are not easily rusted and to avoid the occurrence of bacteria and other pollutants that affect the quality of the clean project.

Article source: Guangdong Purification Engineering http://www.jmyujie.com/