How to evaluate the dust-free function of clean clothing in a cleanroom

2023-07-30 2114

The human body is a major source of pollution in cleanrooms, and a qualified cleanroom garment (hereinafter referred to as cleanroom clothing) has a crucial effect on maintaining the cleanroom environment. Therefore, studying the evaluation methods of cleanroom clothing and providing guidance on the production, planning, and selection of cleanroom clothing is of appropriate and important significance. Regardless of which level of cleanroom clean clothing is suitable for, it is necessary to have the basic elements of dust-free.

It is inappropriate to equate the dust-free function of clean clothing with cleanliness.

Dust free refers to the fact that clothing itself does not produce dust, which requires clean clothing to choose dust-free fabrics and accessories in the production and planning process, and to reduce the possibility of clothing dust and accumulation in cutting, sewing, and style planning. Using simple things, one can determine whether clean clothing has dust-free function from several aspects:

1. Investigating under a microscope whether fabrics are woven from natural fibers such as cotton and linen using long filament fibers. As short fibers, particles are easily generated at the fiber ends, making them unsuitable for use in dust-free workshops. Therefore, it is necessary to use chemical composition to weave long filament fibers for clean clothing. Moreover, because the fibers spun from recycled slices are rich in a certain proportion of recycled materials, which contain more impurities and increase the dust generation of the fabric, they cannot be used in dust-free workshops. It can be easily distinguished through a microscope or high-power magnifying glass.

2. Investigating under a microscope whether the anti-static fibers involved in Bu's guessing will become a source of dust

It is necessary to use anti-static fibers for clean clothes, and choosing the wrong anti-static fibers may cause pollution. There are two common types of anti-static fibers nowadays - surface carburizing anti-static fibers and composite spinning anti-static fibers. Surface carburizing anti-static fibers, due to their conductive components coated on the substrate surface, are prone to washing and resistance to falling, increasing the amount of dust generated by the fabric, and are not suitable for use in dust-free workshop environments. Composite spinning anti-static fibers are formed by thoroughly mixing conductive components with molten matrix materials, and then compounding them with the matrix materials through special spinning holes. Therefore, they are wear-resistant, washable, and less prone to dust.

3. Through microscopic investigation, if the surface of anti-static fibers is rough and has transparent spots, and can be identified as surface carburizing anti-static fibers, they cannot be used to make clean clothes.


4. Check if the accessories of the clothing are not prone to dust

The following accessories may all cause pollution to the dust-free workshop environment: sewing thread containing short fibers, washing labels, ear mesh fabric, ribbed cuffs, ribbed cuffs, dusty zipper tape, zippers with falling coatings, and clothing labels with easily falling printing ink. This is also an important factor in evaluating whether a clean suit is qualified. It is necessary to use materials that are not easily prone to dust for all accessories of clean clothing.

5. Check if the cutting and sewing of the clean clothes meet the standards

Inappropriate cutting and sewing can increase the amount of dust emitted by clean clothing, as the edges of clothing pieces will emit particles outward. Therefore, clean clothing requires the use of methods such as rolled edges, three fold edges, rolled edges, or four fold edges to handle the connection of the pieces (Figure 3). Moreover, regarding the exposed burrs, hot melt treatment is required, and some high-grade clean clothes also request laser cutting of the fabric to reduce dust generation.

6. Check if the clothing style is reasonable

Clean clothes should not accumulate dust in style planning, including reducing clothing wrinkles; Pen insertion must not be sealed; Reduce unnecessary attachments (such as pockets). Additionally, clothing style planning should not be too loose, as it can reduce clothing resistance and control dust. When evaluating a piece of clean clothing, these requests should also be taken as the auditing criteria.

7. Helmke drum inspection

In addition to the brief evaluation methods mentioned above, the Helmke drum inspection method is included in IEST-RP-CC003.3 to evaluate the dust emission policy of clean clothing and fabrics from a scientific and quantitative perspective. The inspection method involves rolling clothing or consumables in a stainless steel drum and using an air particle counter to measure the quantity of various specified particles per cubic foot.

Article source: Hunan Purification Engineering